Estelline, Texas Speed Traps

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Right at the city limits on Highway 287

Estelline, TexasJan 21, 20201 Comments

Wow – they’re still catching people here! I got my very first speeding ticket in Estelline in 1986 – different speeds then due to highway speeds (speed limit on 287 was 55 – in Estelline it was 35, then crept up to 50 [not 55] at the edge of town and that’s where they got us) but still a moneymaker for the town. At least we didn’t have to make as big a drop in speed as now (75 mph to 50 now).
I wonder if anyone has ever successfully contested a ticket in Estelline. When I got ticketed I wanted to make a big stink and contest it – you can have a jury in TX for traffic offenses – but I realized that the Estelline jurors wouldn’t view my case very favorably. Pay close attention when driving through here!

At the junction of U.S. Highway 287 and State Highway 86.

Estelline, TexasJan 08, 20161 Comments

This ‘town’ was incorporated for the sole purpose of selling alcohol. This ‘town’ is located in Hall County, which is a dry county. Estelline, Texas is a total of 0.7 sq miles (all of it land) has 145 people living there and one full time traffic cop. The speed limit on U.S. Hwy 287 is 75 and drops to 50 mph in Estelline. The town is so small you can throw a baseball from one end to the other. Why do they need five city council members, a municipal judge, a city manager, two police commissioners, a mayor, a groundskeeper and a full time traffic cop? The cop relies on the out of town traffic flow from Dallas to Denver to fill city coffers. His/her primary duty is to wait for speeders. The visibility traveling south is limited because the highway rises up from the Red River. Motorists traveling North will come across the blind curve. If you have your cruise control set and happen to miss the speed limit sign you end up with a $250 to $300 ticket. I have seen at least 4 cars per hour getting pulled over. Estelline is only incorporated to profit from policing and asset forfeiture. Everyone in the Texas Panhandle knows Estelline is a speed trap. It’s always the out of town traveler that get’s shaken down. Welcome to Estelline.. “The Biggest Little Speed Trap in Texas”

SB US 287 @ N of Estelline, TX

Estelline, TexasJan 07, 20132 Comments

SB US 287 N. of Estelline,TX C.L. speed was75-65-60 -50 2xs. Then dropped from 75-50 in short time w/LEO waiting just past the 50mph sign facing oncoming traffic. I rec’d s/ticket. LEO said he smelled marijuana, asked to search my vehicle, I refused – done nothing wrong. The canine out of view of camera ‘alerted’ and vehicle was searched against my will. No drugs were found (because I do not allow drugs around me), but the LEO’s rummaged through purse finding my legal PROCEEDS from a recent real estate sale, jailed me for money laundering, and took the cash. Now I must defend myself against this travesty of injustice. Watch Out.

In town. (don’t blink)

Estelline, TexasMar 02, 20121 Comments

There are many speed traps in Texas….this one is the worse. Tiny town, one cop, expensive police car. We need to send a message to this POS community by boycotting the gas/store. Let’s make it hurt!

speed trap

Estelline, TexasDec 05, 20112 Comments

Officer points radar at speed limit sign which is up hill from where he sits and soon as you cross the sign or probably before he flags you for speeding I guess your suppose to slam on breaks when coming up to speed limit sign and immeadiately drop tothe posted speed

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