Jones Creek, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 36

Jones Creek, TexasJul 15, 20190 Comments

You will find at least one and up to three police radars 24/7 going through Jones Creek.They will even hide parked on private property.

Just inside the city limits, both directions on Highway 36

Jones Creek, TexasMay 31, 20113 Comments

The highway is wide and flat during this part of Brazoria County and the speed limit is 60 as you enter Jones Creek, then very abruptly drops to 50 for no good reason.

There’s usually a patrolman stationed on either end of town hiding on a side street near where the speed limit changes. They pull EVERYONE over for going just 1 mile over the limit and write tickets all day and night. Don’t even think you won’t get a ticket if you get pulled over because that’s the local police force’s job: to write tickets and raise revenue.

The crime rate in Jones Creek is non-existent, but they still keep 6 full-time officers on the force. Why? To keep the revenue machine humming. From what I understand, the Village of Jones Creek doesn’t even provide any other city services to its residents and is nothing more than a vehicle for the enrichment of the mayor and the police force.


State Highway 36 near FM 2004

Jones Creek, TexasNov 19, 20071 Comments

Along SH 36 south bound from FM 2004 to the southern city limits, usually parked on western side of road or cruising up and down SH 36. North bound, SH 36 from Freeport speed drops to 50, Jones Creek Village frequently turns on school zone lights after midnight to trap mainly banana trucks coming from port of Freeport.

State Highway Hwy 36

Jones Creek, TexasNov 23, 20052 Comments

SCHOOL ZONES being used as a speed trap. There are three school zones(all about .3 miles apart). If I was a parent in that neighborhood I would want ONE zone to keep traffic slow and safe. Too much to look at and the warning signs are a JOKE(maybe 5′ high with one light blinking) TERRIBLE!

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