Pasadena, California Speed Traps

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Pasadena Avenue (between Columbia and Bellefontaine)

Pasadena, CaliforniaSep 06, 20180 Comments

This speed trap is in the city of Pasadena, CA on Pasadena Avenue north of Columbia Street and south of Bellefontaine Street. Pasadena Police vehicle or motorcycle typically hides on a side street out of view with radar/ laser gun. The speed limit on this street is 30 MPH, but traffic flow is 95% of the time 45 MPH. And, cops are pulling over vehicles that are traveling at 40+ MPH. Enforcement is in full effect, it seems.

Maple street from Hill westbound

Pasadena, CaliforniaJul 15, 20140 Comments

Motor officer using laser. Parks motorcycle close and parallel to curb. Officer takes position away from the motorcycle along a line of small trees. Officer stands very rigid, legs together, arms extended with no bend holding the laser gun. It seems as if he is trying to look like a tree or small utility pole. Very hard to spot.

California and S Arroyo Pkwy

Pasadena, CaliforniaAug 02, 20130 Comments

2 motorcycle cops waiting for those turning left from w/b California onto Arroyo. When traffic is backed up waiting for the train to pass, they will ticket everyone who has gone over the double yellow line to get into the left turn lane. The first person did it and a bunch followed and pulled us all over.

Arroyo Parkway North of Glenarm

Pasadena, CaliforniaDec 28, 20110 Comments

There is frequently a motorcycle cop just north of the Glenarm intersection on Arroyo.

south orange grove and barclay

Pasadena, CaliforniaAug 16, 20110 Comments

motorcycle cop is parked in a alley entrance or exit during early hours and late hours when individuals are going or leaving work or for lunch. confusing for those that do not,realize the residential area. 25 speed limit due to school zoning and 30 or 35 mph for the residential area. be careful!

Also on Pasadena Avenue at the end of the month only go 29 mph and stop at Columbus at the beginning of the line in front of the stop sign.

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