Waverly, Virginia Speed Traps

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Main St.

Waverly, VirginiaNov 14, 20170 Comments

Speed limit is 35. You can get out of it by getting caught lawyer at which point the court will change ticket to improper equipment but $200 fine remains.

RT 460 east AND west

Waverly, VirginiaSep 01, 20140 Comments

Same trap most describe here. Speed suddenly drops from 55 to 35 in less than 1/2 mile. Cop sits just on other side of 35 MPH sign. He got me going East, and a few hours later had someone pulled over going west. It’s a joke as it’s barely enough time to slow down and no other town (particularly as small as this) has such a short pace to decelerate. I told the cop I barely had time to realize it had changed and he just smirked. There was a cop two miles down 460 at the other end. I’m from Virginia with Virginia plates and I’ve seen a few speed traps, but none so blatent as this. Avoid this town (and DONT give them your business–I’d say thier coffers are plenty full) like the plague.

Rt 460 Waverly

Waverly, VirginiaOct 08, 20130 Comments

Heading towards Va Beach on Rt 460, speed limit drops rapidly from 55 to 35 for no apparent reason. The town (from my brief recollection of it) consists of one intersection with a stop light and a shop or two. You can see the stop light quite far down the road, nor is there an excess of traffic that would necessitate a reduction to 35 mph (many other towns on this route drop to 45 mph or stay at 55). Anyway, don’t have the misfortune of driving through this town with out of state plates, and especially not NY plates, as you will get a ticket. Going less than 50 after seeing the 45 mph speed limit, I was ticketed for 54 in a 35. The officer was nice enough to let me know that "for my convenience, I could pay the fine online and never have to return to this back country town". That was volunteered to me after I made no comments whatsoever about VA or about the town. Thank you town of Waverly for hitting me with a speeding ticket as I was visiting VA trying to promote sales through our local sales rep, which is a VA based small business.


Waverly, VirginiaJul 02, 20122 Comments

A police lady ticketed me for going 60 in a 45 mph zone. The speed trap is only a few blocks long. You can see the 60 mph sign. It is hard to stop or slow down in such a short distance.

I went to the Waverly, VA courthouse. For a town of 750 people, the courthouse was absolutely huge (as large as a school for 2000 students). The clerk had stacks of tickets and expected you to be rude to him for staging the obvious speed trap. I was not rude and found an attorney coming out of the courthouse to represent me. The attorney did not reduce the fee but eliminated the reckless driving charge. I begged the attorney to include the price of the ticket in the $250 attorney fee. He refused and said just fax your credit card information to the courthouse when you get your ticket in the mail.

Waverly Courthouse pretended not to get my fax and suspended my driver’s license for not paying and charged me an addition $125. I called my attorney and told him this was an unbelievable racket with him included. The attorney laughed said maybe you should travel through another state. This ticket mishap cost over $700.

Leaving Waverly Va. the police get you accellerating.

Waverly, VirginiaNov 16, 20110 Comments

Leaving Waverly with a posted speed limit sign of 45mph. The Waverly Va, police officer gave me a ticket for a 35mph zone. I went to Sussex court. The police officer had so many summons, it was Waverly day at the Sussex court house. How can such a small town generate so many tickets. No other town along route 460 comes close in ticket volumes. The Sussex county seems to have no curiously concerning this small town’s ticket volumes. My recommendation stay away from Waverly Va. unless it is a life or death situation.

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