Roseville, California Speed Traps

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N Sunrise where the ‘flyover’ from Douglas intersects

Roseville, CaliforniaMar 09, 20140 Comments

Motorcycle cop will sit with lidar perhaps 20-30 yards past the traffic ‘merge’. Speed limit drops at the merge but you really haven’t had time to slow down before ‘bam’ you’re on candid camera!

Woodcreek Oaks north of Blue Oaks

Roseville, CaliforniaOct 28, 20130 Comments

Cops are looking for cars that people have complained about speeding. Loud BMW’s, Nissan, and a black corvette- specifically. If this is you, beware.

East Rsvl. Parkway

Roseville, CaliforniaMay 25, 20130 Comments

From the left turn on Galleria, all the way down across the Douglas intersection, there will be numerous moto cops out every few weeks. Hotspots are the BJ’s parking lot right after you turned left onto East Rsvl Parkway, the intersection at Alexandria right after the first downhill stretch, and the few office building parking lots a few lights before Douglas intersection. Just a heads up!

Westbound Pleasant Grove Blvd and Montgomery

Roseville, CaliforniaMar 09, 20110 Comments

So I’m driving westbound on Pleasant Grove Blvd and I see some interesting movement on the corner at Montgomery. Didn’t quite know what to make of it, but had a gut feeling what it was. To my suspicion, It was an officer standing on the corner with radar gun in hand, pointing it at oncoming traffic. If the officer hadn’t moved, It would have been an instant ticket. The fact that he was dressed in a blue uniform with a baseball cap helped him to blend in with the background surroundings. This was a tag team operation, as patrol car was waiting at the next street ready to pull over a speeder. You have been forewarned.

Westbound Pleasant Grove Blvd & Montgomery

Roseville, CaliforniaMar 01, 20110 Comments

Another trap set, same location, only now, there are two M/C’s on this corner, one is holding the radar gun, the other is ready to strike like a cobra jacked up on mountain dew. They never stop. This is a major hot spot. Spring is coming, and so are the tickets. Step up and fight some real crime.

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