Bremerton, Washington Speed Traps
Kitsap Way/Marine Drive intersection
The light is variable, changing time throughout the day, has a sensor, and is monitored by a camera. The traffic from Marine Drive never has more than 10-15 seconds to clear the light before it turn yellow, then red about 5 seconds later, time enough for two cars very close together to get through. This in spite of the fact that there is an Elementary school on Marine Drive, and traffic can get pretty heavy. I’ve seen up to 30 cars trying to get onto Kitsap Way, and going through 2 cars at a time. There is no alternative route. On Kitsap Way traffic has up to three minutes before the light turns during times of heavy traffic, and changes to a shorter time when traffic is light. Exceptions are in the late evening and night time when the Kitsap Way light triggers to yellow when any car approaches. I have seen it be red, turn green while I approached, then turn yellow again when I got close, all within about 30 – 45 seconds, with no traffic entering from Marine Drive. It acts like someone is monitoring and manually changes the light to trigger a ticket. This intersection is a real money maker for the City of Bremerton.
Burwell St(WA-304) @ Chester Ave
The posted speed limit on Washington State Highway 304(Burwell St) is 25 Miles Per Hour.
A Bremerton Police Officer will stand at the BOTTOM of the HILL and Ticket you for going over the SPEED LIMIT on a DOWNHILL SLOPE which is design to PUSH YOU OVER THE SPEED LIMIT.
Alley behind QFC supermarket
Cops will park in alley and catch speeders doing more than the 35 mile an hour speed limit.
Warren Ave bridge exit by hospital
A motorcycle likes to sit there and clock people coming over the bridge.
McWilliams Road, East of Hwy 303
Motorcycle Cop or a police car will park in a residents driveway off to the right of McWilliams RD in the shadow. This is at the bottom of a very steep hill so you need to ride your brakes to keep your speed under control. These cops sit there in the early morning rush hour between 4:30 and 5:30 am. Insidious parking at bottom of hills!