San Diego, California Speed Traps

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Copley Dr and Copley Court

San Diego, CaliforniaOct 21, 20240 Comments

1 police officer parked in black & white SUV with radar gun

East Harbor Dr. & 5th Avenue near the Convention Center.

San Diego, CaliforniaSep 19, 20230 Comments

Police hide in the various driveways of the convention center, Hilton, or Marriott hotels in the vicinity of the 5th Ave railroad intersection and give speeding tickets to night time drivers, with heaviest enforcement between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m.

805 North & I-5 North. Where the 805 changes into the I-5

San Diego, CaliforniaSep 29, 20220 Comments

CHP, Sheriffs, and SDPD, sit on the 805 right shoulder safety lane under the cover of the trees and bushes to catch drivers coming from the I-5 fast lane into the I-5 third lane as the freeway opens into six lanes there.

7400 Mission Gorge Road

San Diego, CaliforniaOct 27, 20200 Comments

Your going up over a Hill, San Diego Ca.
At top of hill you start the dissent! four motor cycle police are doing round about’s down into Santee stopping a car, ticket, down hill, turn around, back up hill to lye in wait for next cars. all laser guns. this is a speed trap.

I-15 north from the 52 to 56 fwy

San Diego, CaliforniaSep 27, 20190 Comments

CHP pulling folks over north and sb tonight. Not using radar. And they dinged me a second time for having an obstructed view with my radar detector in the window. Thanks have a good night. 🙁

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