San Francisco, California Speed Traps

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Sunset Blvd behind Sloat Bridge (near Ocean Avenue)

San Francisco, CaliforniaSep 19, 20170 Comments

Cop hides behind the bridge with a Laser gun to track cars headed Northbound. The last car reaching the stop light on Yorba headed Northbound will be given a ticket as they’re the easiest target. Officer and his partner will claim that their Laser gun clocked you at the intersection of Sunset blvd and Ocean Avenue, nearly 600 feet away. They will be sure to write down their exact location and the distance from your vehicle along the sides of the ticket to ensure that you lose the case if you choose to fight it.

Park Presidio near Fulton

San Francisco, CaliforniaJan 23, 20150 Comments

SFPD patrol car nestled into trees on East side of Park Presidio northbound direction, right before the traffic light at Fulton.

Also Geary Blvd., westbound direction near Balboa. SFPD parked, shoots radar gun BEHIND himself while in his car.

San Jose Ave. Exit from 280

San Francisco, CaliforniaJan 23, 20150 Comments

Speed limit drops to 35 right out of tunnel, very little warning. Cop up on Richland St. bridge radars and radios down to a team of waiting moto-cops. I live off san jose ave and watch them pull over dozens of drivers, usually on Friday mornings.

on Fulton between 37th & 36th Avenue

San Francisco, CaliforniaSep 03, 20140 Comments

Speed change from 35 miles to 25 miles between 37th & 36h. 25 miles speed limit is only for that one block. Speed change back to 35 miles after 36th Avenue. 25 miles sign is right in front of the senior facility complex which is closing to 36th.

W/B Park Presidio Bypass

San Francisco, CaliforniaApr 27, 20141 Comments

As you go through the light at John F Kennedy heading North, into the sweeping turn… if you are the last one through the light be assured you and maybe all of the other lanes will be pulled over one after the other. First me at Fulton and then the other lane at Cabrillo and the other lane at Balboa. The are located on the right hand side, facing you as you round the corner. They obviously can only ticket last ones through the light as you are doing the same speed as those in front of you. Your busted….!

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