San Jose, California Speed Traps

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Branham Lane between Union Avenue and Leigh Avenue

San Jose, CaliforniaFeb 02, 20210 Comments

When you take a right turn from Union Avenue onto Branham Lane in San Jose,CA there is a slight curve in the road up ahead and you cannot see the police officers standing just beyond the curve. As soon as you take the curve in the road, your car has been hit by radar and usually you would be over the 25mph speed limit posted for that road.

Alum Rock Ave and Jackson Ave

San Jose, CaliforniaOct 04, 20190 Comments

There is a NO TURN RIGHT ON RED SIGN POSTED ABOVE THE right hand turn lane. It’s high and every driver misses it. It’s on the corner of Jackson and Alum Rock going northbound on Jackson next to Bank of America.

Cops sit behind the Bank of America and catch drivers turning on red. It’s literally fish in a barrel.

I once was in line at the red, 4th car, and all three cars ahead of me turned right on red and all were pulled over.

Tully Rd, past S White Rd going eastbound

San Jose, CaliforniaAug 30, 20190 Comments

After passing White Rd towards Ruby Ave. motorcycle police would use radar on the side of the road. they would then run out into the street to stop cars (3 lane large road little traffic)

SB Hwy 85 past Saratoga

San Jose, CaliforniaJun 18, 20190 Comments

There’s a little nook just after the electronic sign that’s recessed enough for a patrol car to hide in. CHP uses it all the time as a speed trap. 37.263256, -121.977141 is the coordinates so you can punch it into Google Maps or whatever.

14th St and E. Santa Clara St

San Jose, CaliforniaJul 22, 20150 Comments

Cop pulling people over on E. Santa Clara St for speeding

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