Reardan, Washington Speed Traps

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Hwy 2 also known as Broadway as it passes thru Reardan

Reardan, WashingtonFeb 13, 20180 Comments

Officer sitting behind tall row of bushes.Can’t see him if you are heading west on Broadway. He is only visable when directly across from him. When he pulls you over he will claim he had you on radar for at least 2 blocks before you pass him. this is interesting in the fact that the hedge is so tall that he has no line of site to the east, unless there is a new hedge penetrating radar out there. He sited me for 14 over in a 30 zone hard to believe my car excellerated from a dead stop to 44 in less than 2 blocks especially since my wife and i were looking for a place to eat and my foot was on the brake so she could read a restaurant sign.

Center of town

Reardan, WashingtonApr 11, 20102 Comments

Illegal School zone signs flashing 20mph in a 30mph zone. Courts have already ruled that the signs are illegal and will throw any tickets out. Police cruiser sits by the signs to intimidate drivers to slow to 20mph but if you are ticketed it is an illegal ticket.

US Highway 2

Reardan, WashingtonNov 22, 20060 Comments

Reardan’s 2 or 3 man police force, primarily their only paid officer very vigilant and most of the time on the east end of town but sometimes on the west end. Speed limit drops to 30 from 60 some distance outside town. He normally works day light hours. Reserves on duty after hours. Do not go over the posted speed limit by even a few miles per hour.

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