Sequim, Washington Speed Traps

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Sequim Avenue exit from 101 to 7 Cedars Casino near Blyn.

Sequim, WashingtonAug 02, 20180 Comments

Troopers lie in wait out of sight to pick off the last car in a line of traffic traveling east on 101 at speeds 5 to 10mph over posted speed.

East of Sequim on HWY 101 between MP 267 and MP283.

Sequim, WashingtonSep 25, 20100 Comments

East of Sequim on Hwy 101 from MP 267 to the intersection of Hwy 20 ( to Port Townsend) between MP 282 and MP 283. State troopers will sit hidden on intersecting roads, old logging and power line roads, even private drives. Be careful when going down hill, rounding a curve or cresting a hill.

The speed limit is 55 except by the casino which is 50. The traffic moves at 60 which means anyone can get a ticket at any time. At times there are 3-4 troopers working the area. The patrol cars are both marked and unmarked of different makes, models and colors.

Sequim Ave Overpass on US 101

Sequim, WashingtonJul 03, 20100 Comments

State Troopers will park along the Soundbound Lane in the middle of the overpass and monitor both East and Westbound traffic along US 101. They are able to monitor Eastbound the same way. Sequim PD does the same thing and also park on the upper part of the exit ramp off of Sequim Ave. Exit. Stay Alert in this corridor! Radar only means you are getting a speeding ticket that much faster.

US Highway 101 near Carlsborg Road

Sequim, WashingtonFeb 09, 20080 Comments

The State Patrol calls this stretch of 101 between the Dungeness River Bridge and Carlsborg Rd the fishbowl. They ususally hide on the north side of 101 in several loacations and use radar.


Sequim Bypass near Sequim Avenue

Sequim, WashingtonJun 23, 20070 Comments

They hide behind a curve in US101 and watch traffic Eastbound from Sequim Av. They have nothing against exagerating how much you were doing over their mind numbingly slow 55MPH

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