Muscatine, Iowa Speed Traps

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Hwy 38/Bus 61/Park Ave SB just before Cleveland St

Muscatine, IowaJul 24, 20141 Comments

Permanent speed cam just after the speed limit drops; announced with one easy-to-miss sign (one sign among many, and left lane can’t see sign at all if vehicles on right); normal speed limit for this type road in most towns would be 45-50 but here it is 35.

Hwy 61 and University Rd (Menards Home Center)

Muscatine, IowaMay 24, 20120 Comments

Speed/Red Light/Turn on Red Camera
Speed limit drops from HWY speed to 35-45.
Does have signage for photo-enforced

Hwy 61 and Mulberry Ave

Muscatine, IowaMay 24, 20120 Comments

permanent Speed/red light camera

Cedar St and Houser

Muscatine, IowaMay 24, 20120 Comments

Permanent speed/red light/right turn on red camera

On the north end of the ByPass (Hwy 61) .

Muscatine, IowaDec 15, 20100 Comments

On the ByPass between Bidwell Rd & Isett Ave. They sit in the drive way to the water tower. There are tall weeds on either side so it’s hard to se them until they already have you on radar.

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