Ankeny, Iowa Speed Traps

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SW Vintage Parkway between Irvinedale Dr and State Street

Ankeny, IowaSep 03, 20240 Comments

Even through it is built like other 45 mph roads nearby, the speed limit is 30. Cops will wait between parked cars for speeders, then pull out and ticket.

8000 block of NW 37th St

Ankeny, IowaOct 06, 20140 Comments

A speed camera. I got a ticket in the mail from it but did not notice it. Tomorrow, I will look for it.

SW Magazine Road between State Street and Ankeny Blvd

Ankeny, IowaMay 21, 20130 Comments

The speed limit changes from 35 mph to 30 mph and the road becomes curvy. Cops like to sit on the curves and speed trap this road.

It is also right by a high school. I wonder why they made a curved road with a 5 mph lower speed limit than it should have there…

Interstate I-35 and exit 90

Ankeny, IowaJan 11, 20120 Comments

They sit clear up off of the entrance ramp, north of the Chevrolet dealership, where they are out of sight from the interstate, and radar the southbound traffic as it passes under the bridge. I leave work in the early afternoon using this entrance ramp, and they are there a lot as of late. Today there was both Ankeny police and state troopers working this spot.

NW State St & NW 9th St

Ankeny, IowaAug 09, 20092 Comments

Speed limit on State is ridiculously low and is a sure thing for the cops who sit here. State Street between 1st and 18th is a huge source of ticket revenue!!

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