Burlington, Iowa Speed Traps

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Hwy 61 just south of town where speed drops to 55 from 65

Burlington, IowaFeb 15, 20210 Comments

City and state police sit in median or in hotel entrance backed in behind trees.

Eastbound on Highway 34 East of Burlington

Burlington, IowaSep 02, 20130 Comments

Technically in Illinois but cops sit, usually, in the middle of the highway near Stevenson Lake up to the intersection with Carmen road. They occasionally sit on the south side of the highway at a small turn off. They primarily only stop eastbound traffic but they will stop westbound as well. Westbound you will usually see them before they would get a radar on you.

Highway 34/163 Eastbound in Burlington

Burlington, IowaAug 19, 20120 Comments

The local PD pulls off on the shoulder (near Curran and Central Street exits), then backs their cars up a grassy hill behind the highway signs and shoots radar from there. By the time you notice it’s too late.

at the depot on south main st

Burlington, IowaAug 16, 20100 Comments

speed limit is 25 and police sit in parking lot and make their quota for the month

Mason Road

Burlington, IowaApr 29, 20100 Comments

This is a by pass around the city to the airport! Nice road but dips down to 25 mph before it even hits neighborhoods..then it should be 30. New school going in, also….cross Mason Rd. off your list as a by-pass around Burlington to the south…take the main streets , faster way to get where you are going!

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