Cedar Rapids, Iowa Speed Traps

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N 380 & Diagonal Dr.

Cedar Rapids, IowaNov 28, 20220 Comments

The camera located just behind the speed limit sign. The drivers don’t have a distance to slow down after the speed limit changed to 55 Mi. The camera must be moved at least one mile from the lowered speed limit sign.
This sneaky practice by the government to victimize people and dig into their pockets without any chance to defend themselves is unconstitutional and should be outlawed.
I’m obeying speed limit rules all my life, and my driving records are clear.
In this particular spot, as soon as I seen the lower speed limit sign, I stepped on the brake pedal to disengage the cruise control and the car has slowed down to the legal speed limit. But the camera installed with purpose to make a bloody money on people. It’s making pictures right by the sign, when you didn’t have time to react and adjust the speed.
Shame on local government. People who installed the cameras got a lot of blood on their hands. That is why many people want to DEFUND the police.

I-380 NB @ J Avenue

Cedar Rapids, IowaJul 19, 20220 Comments

I’m speechless after receiving this ticket in the mail. I live in MT and our Interstate speed limit is 80 Mph. We KNOW this is not okay in other states and pay attention to the posted signs. While driving home from Uncle’s funeral back east with a car load of “stuff” and a new dog, we were not in a rush and drove with the flow of traffic. We even stopped in Sac City, IA to see the world’s biggest popcorn ball. To be cited for… wait for it… going 67 in a 55…. seems to be the magic number for these crooks. There is no way I will ever drive through this area again. The amount of money I spend on gas to go around this city will not equal the amount ($75) that this citation has cost me. It’s been 20 years since my last speeding ticket, but at least that was an actual cop who had to do the work. Reading all of these other comments makes it clear that “common sense” doesn’t out weigh government greed. Is this how they make their city budget? Fining drivers who are passing through.

I-380 Near J Ave, NB and SB

Cedar Rapids, IowaJul 07, 20201 Comments

March 2020 report from their site. This is not a promotion. $7.2 million dollars in 8 months!
NB I‐380 Diagonal Dr SW, number of citations 1,666
NB I‐380 J Ave NE, number of citations 6,647
SB I‐380 1st Ave SW, number of citations 142
SB I‐380 J Ave NE, number of citations 6,465

As you can see the J Ave has around 6.5k citations and the other two have a ton less. This shows how bad this area is for changing speed limits. Horrible practice. From July 2019 till this report in March 2020 they made $7,242,270.17.

I-380 @ J avenue

Cedar Rapids, IowaApr 03, 20170 Comments

I’ve gotten two tickets at this camera and my third today. The first two I thought maybe I was indeed speeding but since then I’ve made sure to never go over 65 at the most. Third ticket is 67 in a 55. There is definitely something wrong here. I’ve opted to not pay for these tickets. They can’t report to credit agencies on your debt. The worst they can do is call you on the phone to collect.

I-380 Northbound J

Cedar Rapids, IowaFeb 20, 20170 Comments

I was driving through and am out of state. 69 in 55 which I KNOW I was not doing. I’ve been doing research which led me to this website. I have been calling the attorney general’s office and been getting the runaround. Something fishy is going on. If you want to contest it why do you send a to a PO box in Beverly, MA? I’ll tell you why, it’s because Gatso, the Camera manufacturer, has an office there.

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