Davenport, Iowa Speed Traps

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Baseball Diamonds On Route 6 (NW Davenport)

Davenport, IowaFeb 14, 20200 Comments

Iowa State Patrol speed trap set up at the baseball fields on the way to/from Walcott.

Harrison St. just below 6th St.

Davenport, IowaJul 28, 20110 Comments

Officers are standing right behind the AT&T building using a handheld radar gun and walking out into traffic to get people to pull over.

Harrison St. & 35th St. SB

Davenport, IowaFeb 05, 20110 Comments

Red Light and Speed Cameras, just past Lujack’s autoplaza, eastbound towards downtown D-Port.

2700 Brady Street northbound

Davenport, IowaOct 16, 20100 Comments

I got a ticket in the mail with this address listed so there must be a camera there.

2900 Block of E. 32nd St.

Davenport, IowaAug 07, 20100 Comments

E. 32nd is a convenient short cut from Jersey Ridge to E. Kimberly and Elmore Ave. However, heading eastbound just after the curve and going down the small hill, a Davenport patrol car will periodically sit along the side of the road with his speed radar. Speed limit through there is 30, but people regularly go well over 40 mph in that stretch.

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