Des Moines, Iowa Speed Traps
east 14th street and walker street
i driving from north going to east of east 14th street in des moines
Monthly speed trap on I-35/80
It starts near Clive, right before the Douglas Ave exit for I-35/80. and continues on to the 2nd Ave exit for I-35/80. Cops will station themselves daily during the course of 2 to 3 days usually on the weekend along the interstate. It usually involves 7 to 10 cops during this monthly speed trap. Be very aware, the cops that will pull people over don’t tend to be the normal and original Crown Vics. The ones to pull you over usually will be the Ford Chargers that Iowa received. There exists at least 3 of them: one white,gray,and black Charger. All three are hidden cops, they don’t possess the prominent lights on top of their cars, they possess the small light and siren. I drove to Dmacc for class one morning and got pulled over by one of these hidden cops. It was seemingly just a normal Ford Charger who was rushing to get to work, but I later found that it was a cop trying to edge me on to go above the speed limit (though I am still annoyed with that pullover). Besides that, Just be on the lookout for the telltale look of Ford Chargers. They will be more hidden than the normal and obvious Crown Vics.
On I-235
Between 56th Street and 42nd East Bound, all four lanes. Small Photo enforced sign. BEWARE, this is a PHOTO ONLY!
Eastbound I-235 between 56th St and Polk Blvd
Speed cameras monitor all 4 lanes. Tickets are not moving violations but they are expensive
I-235 heading into downtown area I-235 heading into downtow
Radar set up going either east or west but not both in the 55 MPH zone
at least once a month. Usually 7-10 patrol cars involved.