Iowa City, Iowa Speed Traps

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Highway 218 at Melrose Exit

Iowa City, IowaJun 06, 20160 Comments

There’s a helicopterin the air and at least 6 police cars working on it.

interstate 80 and interstate 380

Iowa City, IowaApr 11, 20140 Comments

lots of Iowa city and Coralville Iowa police one face toward Iowa city and the other face Coralville near the ramp going to off Interstate 80 ramp toward highway 965 in in Coralville iowa

on upper park rd

Iowa City, IowaSep 08, 20130 Comments

they speed down the hill on park road

speed traps on park road up the hill

Iowa City, IowaAug 03, 20130 Comments

from hanger because speed on this street limit 25 go faster down park road 5 west park road

4 west park road

Iowa City, IowaAug 03, 20130 Comments

cars like to speed on this road I cross where the new hanger is being built

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