Campton Hills, Illinois Speed Traps

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Rt.64 1/3 mile west of Wasco Nursery

Campton Hills, IllinoisMay 17, 20130 Comments

Campton cops sit on the shoulder of Rt.64 approximately one third of a mile west of the Wasco Nursery. They now have black SUV’s with dark lettering and the low profile LED barlights. It is very difficult to see that it is a police vehicle until you are right on top of them.

Route 64 west of LaFox

Campton Hills, IllinoisJan 17, 20122 Comments

Westbound traffic on Rt 64 is 55 mph until you cross LaFox. The speed limit immediately drops to 35 mph. Campton Hill’s PD sits on the other side of the reduced speed limit sign and welcomes out of town folks with tickets as there is no way to react quickly enough to reduce speed if you make the traffic light to drop 20 mph in about 100′.

Brown Road and Rt. 64

Campton Hills, IllinoisFeb 05, 20110 Comments

The police sit in the restaurant parking lot across the street facing Brown Road. They are there frequently on Saturday and Sunday, typically for several hours in the morning until the afternoon.

Fox Mill Blvd.

Campton Hills, IllinoisDec 06, 20100 Comments

Located at the intersection of Carl Sandburg Street and Fox Mill Blvd.
The Campton Hills Police sit in the Bell Graham Elementry School parking lot and dole out tickets to speeders just turning off State Route 64 (North Ave.) antering the Fox Mill subdivision.

Anderson Road & Rt. 64

Campton Hills, IllinoisNov 20, 20100 Comments

This is at the western edge of Campton Hills city limits. Speed limit is 55MPH and it looks like they want to catch you just as your leaving Campton Hills. A small hill obscures your vision, so watch out

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