Downers Grove, Illinois Speed Traps

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Belmont @ Belmont BSNF Station

Downers Grove, IllinoisOct 08, 20120 Comments

Cars in the morning heading north on Belmont towards Ogden beware. There is usually an SUV P.D. sitting up on the hill north and sometimes south of the tracks on the right hand side.

Main St near 67th St.

Downers Grove, IllinoisAug 15, 20120 Comments

Sometimes, the police car is south of 67th, on the west side of Main St., sitting in the driveway to Divine Savior Catholic Church. Sometimes, the police car is north on 67th, on the east side of the street, sitting in the driveway of Kensington Court Condominiums.

Finley Road between Butterfield and Warrenville Road

Downers Grove, IllinoisAug 11, 20110 Comments

Officer was in left-hand turn lane of northbound lane on the northbound side of the cement median in wrong lane, facing south/facing oncoming northbound traffic this time in unmarked black/navy Crown Victoria-type car. August 11, 2011 between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

Finley Road – between Butterfield and Warrenville Road

Downers Grove, IllinoisJul 13, 20110 Comments

Officer was in left-hand turn lane of northbound lane on the northbound side of the cement median facing directly south toward oncoming northbound traffic. Between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

Butterfield and Finley Road

Downers Grove, IllinoisApr 06, 20110 Comments

On Butterfield, officer parks in left-hand turn lanes and waits for oncoming offenders, does a 180 at the signal and pursues. On FInley, same left-hand turn lane park and wait. Also hides in turn-outs/dead spaces to the right of the south flow of traffic. Weekday Mornings 8-9

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