Scott City, Kansas Speed Traps

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Downtown Scott City

Scott City, KansasOct 26, 20130 Comments

The speed limit is 20mph. The 20mph sign is very close to the 35 mph sign and is almost hidden, and the local Gestapo are sitting there watching. One of them told me that they sit and watch for speeders 24/7.

Main Street

Scott City, KansasNov 25, 20110 Comments

Speed limit 20 MPH for 8 blocks. Speed limit signs are short and on side walk out of sight. Enforced 8 hours per day. Nasty little town. Avoid if possible.

Main Street

Scott City, KansasFeb 23, 20110 Comments

I travel through this town quite often. One evening I was stopped by a White Chevy Tahoe for speeding. The officer told me I was going 5 over the speed limit. He returned to his vehicle. I thought I was going to get a warning. When he came back, he had wrote me a ticket. When I tried to ask questions, he was very rude and sharp, like “how dare you question me”. I took the ticket. Without his knowledge I followed him back to his parking spot by some railroad tracks. I watched him throw out more cigarrettes than I could count onto the street and talk on his cell phone for over an hour. At no time did he ever put on his seat belt while make several other stops.

Main Street near 5th Street

Scott City, KansasJun 25, 20080 Comments

Cops in this town do most of their hunting on Mian Street. They have dropped the "limit over" to 5 mph instead on the standard 10 mph. Looking for new revenue source.


Hwy 83 North

Scott City, KansasDec 30, 20020 Comments

Speed limit is 20 mph on north edge of town. I have received three tickets, all in the early AM (Before 5:00) when traffic conditions or pedestrian traffic does not warrant such strict enforcement. Avoid this town at all costs.

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