Columbus, Ohio Speed Traps

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Village of Brice, east side of Columbus

Columbus, OhioFeb 03, 20200 Comments

This speed trap will take pictures of your car, the speed you are going, then mail it to your house. You can’t pay in person and will have to pay by check, or pay online. If you pay online, you will need to submit an additional $6.00 for a convenience fee. The payment center isn’t even in the Village of Brice. It is in Hamilton, Ohio. I was ticketed on Brice Road.

I-71 near Polaris exit. Just north of I-270 and 71

Columbus, OhioOct 27, 20170 Comments

You are driving southbound on I-71 nearing the Polaris exit.
In median is one officer in one car radar gunning.
He or she is radioing nearby patrol cars to pull over cars and ticket.

On Eastbound WN Broadway east of Riverside Hospital

Columbus, OhioAug 17, 20160 Comments

When travelling NB on 315 and exiting EB on WN Broadway you will follow a ramp which has a quick merge on Broadway. As you round the corner the motorcycle cop sits there. He tags you as you are coming off of the freeway and even though there is a 35 mph sign there is not enough distance to decrease your speed in time. The reduction in speed cannot be legal.

Longrifle rd. Between Ulry rd. And Little Turtle Way.

Columbus, OhioNov 06, 20150 Comments

This is a semi residential area that is 25 mph. The police have been hiding along the road and ticketing any and everyone who dare drive over 25 mph.

Rt 161 at Avery Rd Exit

Columbus, OhioMar 17, 20140 Comments

Off of 270 and going 161 west, the speed limit goes from 65 to 55 only for the Avery/Post Rd exit (about 3/4 a mile), then back to 65. They got me going 161E right before the 270 exit at night last week, then got two cars at once going 161W last week

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