Achille, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Highway 78

Achille, OklahomaOct 01, 20150 Comments

Yes, this speed trap haven is still in operation.They will sit in front of the old closed down store just north of Dollar General waiting for southbound Texas traffic. Traffic signs are so close you have to brake from 65 to 55 to 45………….ZERO TOLERANCE!!!! You will get a ticket for anything over 45, and going to court. This speed trap is so bad Texas drivers from Bonham, Paris, Greenville, etc., all take the long way through Denison just to avoid Achille. Regardless of Oklahoma law, the speed trap is the town’s only source of revenue. Horrible place. Avoid at all cost!!

On each end of town, and anything they can hide behind,

Achille, OklahomaJun 14, 20102 Comments

This is on the TOP of my list of places to stay away from. Have had 4 tickets in a matter of years, and does not matter IF you are going speed limit! Towns ONLY source of revenue it seems. It is my route my Texas to Durant, Ok. Creep through town. I have been to court there several times…It is a Beverly Hillbillies organization. Officers are arrogant wanna be cops. I wrote a complaint to OKla Highway dept. they said it was NOT a speed trap. BS

State Highway 78

Achille, OklahomaJul 18, 20071 Comments

Coming into town speed drops quickly from 65 to 55 to 45-signs are close together where you have to brake quickly to slow to limit before being at next sign. Officers hide around corner out of sight and claim you were still going 55 when you got to the 45 sign. Another officer was sitting at other end of town writing tickets also.

State Highway 78 near State Highway 91

Achille, OklahomaAug 15, 20050 Comments

Speed drops from 65 to 55 to 45 to 35 in short time. 35mph sign is located on curve where drivers attention is focused elsewhere. Buildings along hwy are sparse. No reason to believe speed limit should be 35. Police park around curve.

US Hwy. 78 south of Durant

Achille, OklahomaMay 25, 20030 Comments

35mph posted just a few yards from 45mph, not enough time/space to slow without braking; township has less than 200 people, no traffic; speed trap is major source of income.

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