Luther, Oklahoma Speed Traps
Sw 6th/ash
Police officer behind school. I saw speed limit sign going from 25 mph to 35 mph. I saw cop sitting up behind school. I was about 50 feet before sign when I saw him coming down hill from the school. I didn’t think much of it til he pulled me over. Because I reached 35 mph before I got to and past sign I was speeding. Literally about 50 ft in front of sign. 35 in a 25.
Luther Road between Route 55 and CR 178
Luther has lowered the speed on this north south feeder road through the small town to 25 mph. No tolerance from small police force. Town has major debt and this and traffic tickets on Route 66 give them income.
Hwy 66 west of Wellston
Speed limit drops at Oklahoma County Line going west on Route 66 from 65 miles per hour to 55 miles per hour almost immediately. Was slowing down to 55 miles per hour but with the officer sitting just below the hill you are coming over you need to start hitting the brakes and/or backing off the excellerator immediately. The officer did not put his lights on but did followed me 4 to 5 miles before lighting me up and stating I was speeding 10 miles over the limit. At the time he stopped me I was obeying the speed limit. I have been told there are 8 full time officers that work in Luther and monitor Highway 66 writing speeding tickets. I will take the Turner Turnpike in the future. I will let all my friends know that a town with so many speedtraps does not deserve individuals business or taxes for shopping in their town.
Route 66 through town
Route 66 travels right on the outskirts of this little town. The speed limit is 55 to 65 on most of the highway in Oklahoma but for several miles before and after Luther it is 45. No tolerance just as in Arcadia six miles down the road. Usually two officers on duty and one is an unmarked black car. Will sit on the side of the highway for hours running radar.
Luther, OK
My husband set the cruise control on the rental car to 55 and started slowing when he saw the 45 sign. The officer who pulled him over said he was going 56mph! Unless the rental car speedometer is extremely flawed, this was absolutely wrong!