Burlington, Ontario Speed Traps

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Appleby Ln between Lakeshore Rd. and New St.

Burlington, OntarioMar 27, 20230 Comments

Usually an unmarked police car parked with the gun on side street or especially using residents private driveway. Residents complain heavily about speeding on this stretch of road, and are more than happy to allow police to park in their driveways nabbing cars going north towards Spruce St. and south towards Lakeshore Rd. It’s quite easy to catch people, I’ve been caught twice, because it’s only a two lane 50km zone in a residential area before changing to four lanes north of New St. Beware of unmarked navy blue or black cars.

Waterdown Road just south of 403 entry

Burlington, OntarioSep 17, 20160 Comments

Police with radar gun at the south end of waterdown road bridge over the 403.

Cedar Springs Rd.

Burlington, OntarioMay 27, 20130 Comments

North Burlington residents often complain and seem to regularly get the posted speeds in the rural areas lowered.
Cedar Springs Rd., south of Kilbride is one example. The speeds range from 50 to 60 km.
This area is a country setting, with few driveways.
The police regularly park on the Dakota bridge which allows them to trap drivers doing a safe 70 – 80 km in both directions.

North Service Rd., west of King Rd.

Burlington, OntarioMay 27, 20130 Comments

N Service has few businesses and no homes, yet it is posted at 60 km similar to Fairview St., one of the busiest east – west streets in Burlington with several entrances to commercial buildings.
Police regularly sit just west of the Mercedes dealership which allows them to trap vehicles going in both directions.

Burloak Drive

Burlington, OntarioApr 08, 20130 Comments

Burloak drive both north and south of mainway for southbound traffic,

Usually just before mainway in a private driveway
Just before north service road after the timhortons . . . .not surprising the close proximity of doughnuts and coffee

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