Hiawatha Avenue between downtown and Hwy 62

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 18, 20030 Comments

Background: Dispute between local residents and commuters as to what would be a reasonable speed posting (currently 35 MPH) for this divided 4-lane highway with limited cross streets all having signals. No homes or yards border this road, and significant parts are between high sound walls.
Problem: For normally responsible drivers, the visual cues for safe driving (narrow roads, homes, sidewalks, visual obstructions such as parking) that would cause drivers to naturally slow their speed are not present. The visual cues do NOT match the posted speed limit, which at the north end of this route drop suddenly from 55 while the road is still 5 lanes wide southbound! This is misleading, and one abiding by the posted speed limit is in serious danger of being rear-ended. Why the professionals at both DOT and the City cannot figure this out is amazing to me!
Solution: Make a better match between visual safety clues (better signage)and the posted speed limit (raise limit?) and stop abusing normally safe drivers.
Note: I have not been the recipient of a ticket.

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