I-275 Expressway near Detroit Airport

Romulus, MichiganJul 01, 20083 Comments

Michigan State Police have unmarked different color Dodge Magnums. The windows are tinted, and there is no way to tell the difference between a regular Magnum and a State Police one. I drive this route daily, and I believe they have an officer stationed on top of the overpass by the airport, and he clocks your speed. He then calls ahead to the other officers in the magnums. At one time you may see up to 6 or 7 Magnums with flashing lights pulling over cars.

Like most rural freeways in Michigan, this area should be posted at 80 mph to match the normal 85th percentile speeds of 78-83 mph on good rural freeways. The State Police and MDOT are legally prohibited from posting the safest 85th percentile speed limits because of our arbitrary statutory limit of 70 mph, a limit that is not valid from a traffic safety engineering viewpoint.
#1Feb 16, 2010Report Abuse
These vehicles are not MSP. They are Romulus Police, and yes they have a variety of magnums and chargers, in grey, maroon, black, and silver. Look out for these, they have faint gray labels on one side of the vehicle, and they use radar and lidar to catch you.
#2Mar 02, 2010Report Abuse
Given that there are yahoos who will impersonate police to rob people, I have a problem with unmarked cars.
#3Apr 20, 2011Report Abuse

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