Newport Road near M14 Expressway

Ann Arbor, MichiganJun 08, 20041 Comments

Newport road to the N and S of the M14 bridge (before and after after you pass Forsythe Middle School) is a favorite of officers to run "traffic enforcement." The officers themselves consider Newport somewhat of a cheap target due to the unreasonably low speed limits brought about by resident complaints. However, this doesn’t stop them from occasionally positioning themselves on the road to catch unsuspecting speeders and boost revenue.

After turning right onto Newport from Miller, be wary. Any downhill portion of the road is likely to be monitored by officers running Ka-band radar or lasers. As you approach Forsythe Middle School, be sure not to break 25MPH. It’s very hard to maintain a constant speed on this road, due to several inclines. Officers like to hide in driveways or on shoulders just after these hills. Be diligent. This is NOT the road to speed on, because if you’re doing anywhere close to five-over, they WILL ticket you for it. Be mindful of the "traffic enforcement alerts" published occasionally in the Ann Arbor News. Newport is a common target for these initiatives, and knowing they are going on can help you avoid receiving unfair speeding tickets on an unreasonably marked road.

When this road was under County control about 15 years ago, the portion north of M-14 was correctly posted at 40 mph by county engineers. This matches the 85th percentile speed and was the safest speed limit to post. Under city control, it is now posted at 25. Guess what the 85th percentile speed is? Right, still 40 just as it was when correctly posted years ago. Under good conditions, the posted 25 is the 0th percentile speed - absolutely no one in compliance. This includes city police cars, city busses, garbage trucks, and all the normal traffic. It is the most idiotic and most predatory posted limit in the city. Regards, Jim Walker
#1Apr 16, 2010Report Abuse

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