Washtenaw Avenue near Stadium Boulevard

Ann Arbor, MichiganApr 18, 20061 Comments

On East bound Washtenaw, there is a long, shallow grade to the curve where Washtenaw meets Stadium Blvd. The speed limit is 35, but the street is 4 wide lanes with a few entrances on the west side of the street. The police wait in these parking lots, mostly at night. Braking is frequently required to stay under the speed limit. The speed limit goes up to 45 after the curve, but the street is basically the same as in the 35 mph section. I see people pulled over there about half the time.

This one was fixed by the Michigan State Police and MDOT in April 2008. It is now posted at 45 to match the 85th percentile speeds of actual traffic. The inner portion formerly posted at 30 is now corrected to 40 down to Hill St. These two segments ceased to be speed traps for the Ann Arbor city police.
#1Jan 26, 2010Report Abuse

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