Ecorse Rd. (As you leave the airport)

Romulus, MichiganJan 22, 20105 Comments

The police wait in an access drive to the airport on the North side of the road and catch you as you enter Ecorse Westbound.

these officers that is writting these tickets,should be ticketed for how they break the law. i have follow them many times with their ligths on speeding out of control,only to pull into a donnut shop. where is all the money that the city get from these tickets,someone from the state or federal goverment should look into this now.
#1Feb 11, 2010Report Abuse
This has been an infamous trap for some time. Even the airport police hate it and there are signs in the airport warning of the trap. Sometimes airport police will station a car with flashing lights just before the trap, so you slow down before getting in the clutches of the Romulus Highway Robbery Group, aka the Romulus Police Department. They will almost always offer a "bargain" of a non points violation with the same or a higher fine level, because then the city of Romulus gets to keep more of the fine money. There is NO safety issue in this area, only revenue is at stake.
#2Feb 16, 2010Report Abuse
Traffic tickets have become a cottage industry in Romulus. Just come to the courthouse and watch. I was ticketed when leaving the airport at 10:00 in the morning. I decided to fight the ticket and when i got to court the parking lot was filled and i had to wait almost 15 minutes for a space. Inside I waited over an hour and a half past my scheduled time to be called before a magistrate for a hearing. I was taken into a room where two uniformed officers were holding hearings. I was told what the charge against me were and was told that if i decided to go in front of a judge i would be found guilty and court costs would added. I was told that i had to make a decision before i left the building. Also, 2 points would be added to my clean driving record. This whole operation needs be investigated.
#3Mar 04, 2010Report Abuse
Road is Eureka Rd., not Ecorse. I drive down Eureka daily and I see Romulus police pulling people over 3 cars at a time - all the time. I have seen as many as 5 cars pulled over by 5 different officers on Eureka and the adjacent I-275 freeway. Police will think nothing of completely blocking the right lane of Eureka with their prey and create dangerous traffic backups as long as a quarter mile, westbound, between the airport exit and Wayne Road. You must drive 45 mph, or you are in jeopardy of being ticketed for speeding.
#4May 10, 2010Report Abuse
Welcome to Detroit, here's a ticket! You know it's bad when the airport police are trying to protect you from the Romulus police.
#5Oct 28, 2010Report Abuse

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