De Zavala Rd., Lockhill-Selma Rd. and NW Military Hwy.

Shavano Park, TexasJan 27, 201014 Comments

The entire town is a speed trap. The speed limit is purposely set too low for the reason of “safety.” I can see how it helps people turning onto the road from a driveway or parking lot, but it really is set at least 10 mph too low! It’s horrible!

The law calls for having Appropriate speed limits, not speed limits that are abhorrently low.

All of Shavano Park is a speed trap. They will bust you for doing 36 in a 35. I always drive three or four mph under the speed limit just to be safe. They especially like to catch people who are driving along at 35 and edge up to 36 or 37 coasting downhill. Speeding tickets are a major source of revenue. They have a disproportionate number of police officers and patrol cars for their population and geographic area. I'm guessing this is because it enables them to keep property taxes lower, and they have very few commercial enterprises in the city.
#1Jun 10, 2010Report Abuse
And don't forget that they actually will not ticket individuals who live there and are first-time "offenders". But anyone who's just passing through and doesn't live there, they ticket them, no questions asked. So incredibly pathetic.
#2Jul 07, 2010Report Abuse
I wouldn't have a problem with them pulling people over for going 2 or 3 mph over the limit if the limit were APPROPRIATE. But it is not, it is very low for conditions, and that is unacceptable.
#3Jul 07, 2010Report Abuse
As far as the comment about Shavano Park Police stopping motorists for 36 in a 35...your full of it. The radars that police use are calibrated to + or - 1mph. In case your to st*pid to understand what this means, the radars are accurate to + or - 1mph. It is absolutley ridiculous to say that Shavano Park or any other police department would pull someone over for 1 mph over the limit. You need to get your facts straight before posting idiotic comments like that. And the comment about not ticketing residents or "first time offenders" Totally wrong. I know of several residents of Shavano Park who have been cited. And what is a "first time offender?" When the officer stops someone for a traffic violation, they have no way of determining if that's the "first" time they've been stopped. Even a computer check wouldn't show this. So we have another id*#t who has no idea what he/she is talking about. But one thing is for sure, you have probably been stopped in Shavano Park (and God knows where else) and cited for violating some traffic law and will not admit that YOU screwed up. Get your facts straight people and stop making yourself look like whinny little kids.
#4Oct 05, 2010Report Abuse
To the latest poster, I did not post the one about stopping motorists for 36 in a 35, but I posted the next 2 messages. Furthermore, you misread me. I did not say SP residents AND first-time "offenders". I said SP residents who WERE first-time "offenders". This happened to a friend of the family who had just moved to the neighborhood and when she showed the officer that she lived there, he let her go with a warning. As opposed to me, who got cited because I lived in the City of San Antonio. Is that even legal? No, it is not, at least, it shouldn't be. When officers stop people for violations, they SHOULD know who they are dealing with, after obtaining their driver's license. However, fine, if you are correct, then you have corrected me and I thank you for that, but don't you DARE call me an idiot. Ignorant of the precise details of the situation, maybe, but I am NOT an idiot by any measure. Yes, I have been pulled over in Shavano Park. Why do you think I came to this site in the first place? The problem with being pulled over in Shavano Park is that they shouldn't do it, for most cases. Why do I say this? Simple: the speed limit is too low. Yes, it is too low for the design of the road, the density of commercial and residential usage and the visibility conditions. Drive the speed limit on Lockhill-Selma and see if anything's amiss. It FEELS LIKE A CRAWL. Speed limits should be APPROPRIATE for the design, usage densities and conditions, not artificially low for no reason. There is ZERO reason to drive slowly when you can drive a little bit faster safely. The speed limit on Lockhill-Selma should easily be 40-45 mph, as it is on Huebner or Blanco Roads to the east. Why is it that this neighborhood has such low speed limits? Ask yourself that. Have a good day.
#5Oct 26, 2010Report Abuse
To the latest post (10/25). As a former Police Officer for the Shavano Park Police Dept. I can accurately say that you have no idea what your talking about. You say you were cited because you lived in S.A. ? Wow, I don't recall ever seeing that violation in my citation code list. Could it be that you were cited because you violated the traffic law? Ya, I would say so. During my tenure at SPPD, I have issued citations, warnings and yes even ARRESTED residents of Shavano Park on numerous occasions. I've also issued citations/warnings and arrested residents of San Antonio and many other communities as well. So your comment about "anyone who's just passing through and doesn't live there, gets a questions asked" is pretty ignorant. And your comment about the speed limits being to low, two choices: either follow the posted limit(s) or TAKE ANOTHER ROUTE! Wow, thats pretty simple huh? Besides, smaller jurisdictions are notorious for posting slower speed limits. Look at Castle Hills, Leon Valley, Hollywood Park and so on. They ALL have slow speed limits in their areas just like Shavano Park. And just FYI, we (they)don't care what San Antonio has their speed limits posted at and we (they) don't care what residents of San Antonio (or any other city) say about their speed limits. If you don't like them, by all means take another route. Nobody is forcing you to drive thru there.
#6Nov 02, 2010Report Abuse
To yesterday's post, I thank you kindly for your response, and I thank you for your years(?) of service in the Police Corps if and only if you were a competent officer, which I am sure you were. That being said, I acknowledge everything you have said, but it does not change the fact that my acquaintances who lived in S.P. were let go after a speeding "infraction", and I was not. It simply does not change that fact. It is not "ignorant" to say that, it is acknowledgment of a fact. I wouldn't say that if it did not happen. That being said, yes, I am certain that you DID engage in citing and arresting your own residents, hopefully only if they deserved it. On the subject of speed limits, why are they low? There is ZERO excuse for having a speed limit be any lower than it should be. If it is safe to drive at 40 mph, there is ZERO excuse for having it be 35 mph. You SHOULD care, because it is grotesquely inappropriate to have low speed limits, for residents OR for visitors. Speed limits should be appropriate for the engineering and design of the road and the density of commercial/residential development. No more, no less. "Because I violated the traffic law". Guess what? If you make a speed limit someplace 5 mph for NO reason, EVERYONE would "violate the law". The law has to be appropriate, not arbitrarily made up for no other reason than seeming revenue generation due to incompetence. And YES, it is an extremely incompetent police force that pulls over vehicles for driving a few mph over an inappropriately low speed limit. I have no doubt that you have pulled over major criminals using such a method, but the vast majority of individuals doing this are law-abiding citizens driving at an appropriate speed for the road. The speed limit should reflect that speed, and it does not, and that is highly inappropriate.
#7Nov 04, 2010Report Abuse
And you mentioned that smaller jurisdictions have lower speed limits? Well, so what? Is that an excuse for your municipality to have lower than appropriate speed limits, as well? Speed limits shouldn't be low or high, they should be appropriate for the design of the road, the density of residential/commercial development and the conditions. And the speed limits in Shavano Park are simply atrociously low. it should be 40-45 mph on Lockhill-Selma, at least. 40 at the VERY least. It is simply unacceptable to have speed limits lower than they should be for the design of the road.
#8Nov 06, 2010Report Abuse
OMG! You make me laugh! OK...I'll say it AGAIN! If you don't like the speed limits in Shavano Park, TAKE ANOTHER ROUTE! Nobody is forcing you to drive thru there! If you want to drive 40-45mph, then take NW Military Hwy. And in case you didn't know this either, speed limits in cities are decided by the City Council...not the police. So, my suggestion to you would be this...if you would like the speed limits changed in Shavano Park (or any other small jusrisdiction) you should be a good citizen and attend a city council meeting and petition them to change the speed limits to what YOU think is appropriate. (Goooood Luck with that)
#9Nov 08, 2010Report Abuse
Wow. Just look at your attitude, man. Now, I'm in no way arguing that I could avoid your sad little town each and every time I drive by, but it doesn't change the fact that your speed limits are too low. And you tell me to go to the City Council & get them changed? That's just it: no one should HAVE to "get them changed" in the first place. They should be correct in the first place! What happens is that when someone is driving by for the first time, for whatever reason, they're driving 40 mph (which is appropriate) but SPPD pulls them over for "speeding" over an artifically-low speed limit, even though they were driving an appropriate rate. That is just plain sad and completely wrong. I never once implied that the police department was in charge of that, I know it's the City Council. Doesn't change the fact that it is inappropriate and the police officers shouldn't pull people over if they're driving 40 mph on Lockhill-Selma, because that's what the speed limit should be, not 35 mph. But, GASP....of course they won't do that, their wages depend on pulling people over who were driving at an appropriate speed on a road with an inappropriate speed limit! So sad.
#10Nov 13, 2010Report Abuse
To the Nov 13 post...are you really that pathetic of a person that you have to complain about 5 miles per hour?! Get a life loser!! And the comment that "when someone is driving by for the first time, for whatever reason, they're driving 40 mph" ??? Where did you get that from? What makes you think that eveyone who drives Lockhill Selma for the first time is driving 40mph? Oh wait...I'm sorry...your one of those dillusional persons who knows everything right? So of course you would know that EVERYONE is going 40mph. Wow...your special. And your comment about the cops pulling people over for 40mph is totally idiotic. I drive that road everyday ( at 40mph + or - ) to and from work and I have seen SPPD running radar and have NEVER been stopped. Who ever you are, I believe that you need professional help. Or maybe you just need to get a life.... "So sad"
#11Dec 20, 2010Report Abuse
Um....I DO have a life. Which is why it took me a week to respond to your nonsensical post. Stop making assumptions. I didn't imply that EVERYONE drives 40 mph on LS. What "everyone" does is drive at a rate of speed that they deem to be appropriate. However, when you drive at the actual speed limit (35) on that road, you can feel that it is horrendously slow for the design of the road and its conditions. That is inappropriate and a speed trap, pure and simple.
#12Dec 25, 2010Report Abuse
For the Dec.24 post: I agree with the post dated Dec.19. If all your complaining about is FIVE miles per hour, your are a pathetic crybaby. If people drove at speed limits that they "DEEMED" appropriate, as you so repeatedly put it, most of us would be driving 20-25mph over most posted limits. (I know I would) This is why speed limit signs are posted...for crybabys like remind you that if you drive the speed that YOU deem appropriate, you will probably get stopped and/or cited. I have spoken to police officers in many cities and have asked them (off the record) if they allow a certain amount over the limit before they will stop/cite a motorist? Nearly ALL of them stated that the general tolerance is 10mph. Exceptions would be in school zones, active construction zones (workers present) and neighborhoods. Of course there is nothing written in policy about this tolerance...its a general courtesy. On an ending note...if you whinney babies don't like the "INAPPROPRIATE" speed limits in your smaller communities...go around them!!!!
#13Jan 17, 2011Report Abuse
We shouldn't have to "go around them". We should be able to drive to any and all necessary destinations at speeds that are appropriate, not abhorrently low. It's very simple.
#14Mar 12, 2011Report Abuse

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