I-90 Chicago Skyway between Toll Booths and Indiana State Line

Chicago, IllinoisFeb 16, 20106 Comments

Between toll booths and Indiana State Line, what should be a 65-mph expressway is posted at 45 mph for no good reason except ticket revenue. Prevailing speed is 65-70, so Chicago police generate tickets all day long with instant-on traps. As lead vehicle of a group of three eastbound in that speed range, I was targeted, stopped and ticketed for 69 in a 45. Asked why a 6-lane divided expressway was posted at 45 mph, the officer responded that it was not an expressway but a Chicago city street, and if I had a problem with that, I should take it up with the mayor of the City of Chicago. This trap was at the last exit before the Indiana state line, so I had crossed into Indiana before I found a safe place to pull over. How do Chicago police have jurisdiction in a different state, and how do they continue to get away with this? The mail-in ticket offers three choices: 1) pay up $95 with points, 2) pay up $95 and attend traffic school to avoid points, or 3) request a court date. I chose the latter but have little hope of being able to successfully defend this one despite my 100% clean record.

this has to be one of the biggest money makers for the city of Chicago. Where else would an interstate highway be posted at 45 mph. this has to be one of the biggest money makers for the City of Chicago. Where else would an interstate hightway be 45 mph. As I was waiting for the policeman to write out my ticket my car was rocking from the speed of the cars passing me. I felt he ticketed me because I was an out of state car. I felt that the speed I was driving was just keeping up with the traffic, not passing anyone.
#1Mar 25, 2010Report Abuse
This is without a doubt a speed trap. There has been a Chicago Police squad posted here for years. Hit anywhere above that posted 45 and you are done. They hide on the overhead ramp from Stoney Is. catching motorist heading towards Indiana. Also any slight hill that you aren't able to see all traffic ahead of you, you will usually find the squad just over the hill. I remember as far back as 20 years ago that everyone knew that Chicago policed that toll rd.
#2Oct 14, 2010Report Abuse
This is very common....call a highway a "city street" and then keep the limit unrealistically low so you can ticket drivers driving the more realistic highway speed of 65. You see this on Lake Shore Drive too....its basically a highway in most areas and 55 mph is appropriate and safe to drive. But they call it a "boulevard" which requires a ridiculously slow 35 mph limit so they can issue lots of tickets. Millions in revenue is generated by this scam that is fully supported by the city and its corrupt Mayor.
#3Jan 05, 2011Report Abuse
I didn't see any cops on the highway on my recent drive to Chicago, but I did spend the entire trip extremely confused about the posted speed limit and convinced for a while that I either misread the signs or that they were incorrect. How can the speed LIMIT on an interstate be 10 mph lower than the speed MINIMUM on Michigan expressways? What the hell?
#4Jun 23, 2011Report Abuse
I was driving towards Downtown Chicago. I was following the other cars on I90. The white Ford Focus in front of me has a Illinois license plate. I'm pretty sure that I drove the exactly the same speed as that guy because I was using cruise control. It was 72 miles per hour. The black policemen followed me and asked me to stop. He came to me and said that I was speeding and the speed limit here is 55. It is the first time that I receive a ticket. There is no posting or anything to say that the speed limit is 55. How does anyone know the speed limit. In addition, why did they only issue ticket to me instead of the others in front of me? Is that only because I'm from Michigan? I asked the officer and he told me that the problem is that I was driving over the speed limit and this has nothing to do with other drivers. Oh, my god. When I come back. I found this comments from 2010. How come such a bloody business continues for many years? We are from out-of-state and cannot make every trip to fight for the case. That's the only reason why police are fishing in that region. Michigan really shouldn't have any agreement with Illinois. They rip-off Michigan residents. A city like Chicago is determined to fail not because the unemployment but because the crap management which push anyone away from it. It is my first trip to Chicago and also my last trip.
#5Jan 04, 2013Report Abuse
The Skyway has been leased out to foreign company. The company that has the lease should be able to raise the speed limit but they didn't. The cops do still go up there to try to catch speeders. This is why I think it's a speed trap.
#6Mar 25, 2015Report Abuse

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