Edmond Rd. west of Sara Rd.

Piedmont, OklahomaApr 07, 20102 Comments

On the north side of Edmond road, just west of Sara road, there is a little spot off the side of the road where the police car is hidden very well and officers frequently sit there with radar.

So the police sitting on the side of the road make you speed? I'm trying to understand how the police sitting here make you drive faster. If they weren't here you would be driving the speed limit? Please let me know how police running radar makes you speed!
#1May 02, 2010Report Abuse
Piedmont has no tax base and it is well known that they use speeding tickets for city funds. I just drove past a police car pulled just off the road at 10:30 pm. There is no shoulder on this road and it is difficult to see that a car is there at night, which I think is dangerous. The only reason for this is to make $$$$!
#2Jul 27, 2011Report Abuse

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