High Park downhill approach to Grenadier Restaurant

Toronto, OntarioApr 13, 20101 Comments

Inside High Park, the speed limit is 20km/h. There is a cop at the bottom of the steep hill on West Rd. as you head southbound approaching Grenadier Restaurant. It is very easy to exceed this limit going down this hill. Watched a cop there reeling them in. Cyclists seem to be exempt however.

Speeding offences in Ontario ONLY apply to MOTOR-vehicles, not to all vehicles. Only motor-vehicles are required -- by regulation -- to have a speedometer; therefore the driver knows, and can control, the speed of the vehicle. In addition, human powered vehicles pose much less risk to people and property in the event of a collision. Furthermore, the risk of injury and death is shared by the bike rider and any other riders or pedestrians that they may hit, providing a disincentive to the rider to be involved in a collision to begin with, whereas a driver of a motor-vehicle faces a rather remote risk of injury when involved with a crash with a cyclist or pedestrian.
#1Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse

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