M-291 Highway

Lake Winnebago, MissouriMay 02, 20101 Comments

Lake Winnebago has M291 Highway from the Jackson/Cass county line South to M-58 Highway. Part of that roadway is 45 mph so watch the signs. The section of roadway from 163rd Street South is in the "city" of Lake Winnebago, ONLY the roadway. As a 4th Class city in Missouri they must START a persuit of a violator from INSIDE their city. If they are sitting OFF the highway right-of-way running their radar and from this position they persue you and write you a ticket the ticket is ILLEGAL. They sit in the church lot at 171st and 291 and in some trees North of 171st Street. Both of these locations are NOT in their city!!! The Winnebago police work 291 Highway HARD for their revenue.

Well as a police officer of 6 years in Missouri I can tell you that you are partially right and partially wrong. A violation of the law does have to be observed in the city you are working for. So if they are sitting off the roadway and observe a driver speeding it IS legal for them to stop that person or pursue that person even out of their city. Everybody hates getting tickets, I know I've had my share even as a cop. My father hated the police and everytime he got stopped he called and yelled at me. After a couple years of this I invited him to ride with me and it changed his views. I would guess Lake Winnebago is like any city I've worked for and has a ride-a-long program. Please ride once so you can see the other side of it.
#1Jun 27, 2011Report Abuse

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