Gowan/ Rainbow

Las Vegas, NevadaJun 05, 20102 Comments

There are a number of speed traps at all hours of the day on Gowan, from Jones blvd. going west all the way up to Buffalo. 25 mph. is posted, they will get you for 5 mph. over. Especially by the childrens memorial park!

Oh, COME ON! Read what you have written before you submit your comment. "Especially by the childrens memorial park!" you SHOULD get a ticket every time, especially there. When will you, and most of the other people who complain on this website, grow up? Will you all ever realize what idiots you are to complain when you get a ticket for exceeding the speed limit OR for running a red light??? Slow down and drive within the law, you might be surprised at how much your insurance rates will go down, as well as your blood pressure.
#1Mar 06, 2011Report Abuse
Uh oh Johnny Law is PO'ed. He might unretire just to give me a ticket.
#2Apr 24, 2011Report Abuse

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