Lincoln Parkway and Hodgenville city streets

Hodgenville, KentuckyJun 28, 20102 Comments

Lincoln Parkway is 55 mph but designed like an interstate to lull increased speed. Highly enforced by DOT and KSP.

Hodgenville city side streets have very low limits like 25 for no realistic reason. Driving 35 will get you cited. The local paper has at least 30 citations per week involving city streets and Lincoln Parkway between Elizabethtown and just before Hodgenville exit.

You must be kidding about speed tickets in this town. I tell everyone if you want to speed come to Hodgenville, you want get stopped. Speed signs mean nothing.
#1Feb 12, 2011Report Abuse
KSP, LaRue County Sheriff and Hodgenville Police are not running any Speed Traps; they are enforcing the laws that are set by the Ky Dept of Transportation. They are doing their Due Diligence when it comes to enforcing the speed laws to help slow you and I down so we arrive home alive to our Loved ones. The roads are gently laid out by the state in a 4 lane manner not by the police; even the old HWY 210 that runs next to Lincoln Pwky is a long straight road that you can run high speeds on that the police writes a large amount of tickets on as well. So stop youre crying and just accept the fact that the Police in Hardin and LaRue Counties are doing their jobs on this piece of road!! Enough said 10-4 out!!!!
#2Feb 17, 2011Report Abuse

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