On Bagdad between Municipal and Market Rd 2243

Leander, TexasAug 16, 20101 Comments

Heading from the Municipal Dr/Bagdad intersection (one of the exits from Westview Meadows Subdivision) towards Market Rd 2243 the speed limit is 40 mph on Bagdad. Especially at night the police officer will park in the parking lot of the first business on the right and tag you as you come over the hill. They aren’t shy about giving you a ticket for going 45+ mph there.

Totally agree. Many people in neighborhood have had tickets. 2 to 5 mph will get you a ticket. Speed limit is ridiculous just across 2243 on same road with only two lanes is 45 mph? No one really understands that. It would make more since to have the north of 2243 be 45 mph not the 4 lane less populated southern part of Bagdad??
#1Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse

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