Safeway store at corner of Dobson & Main

Mesa, ArizonaSep 02, 20101 Comments

This is not a speed trap. It’s a ‘No Left Turn’ trap. There is a no left turn sign at the south west exit of the store. Due to the light-rail’s stop at that corner, this exit is the safest and easiest one from the store, but it is guarded by the sign. Mesa police love to use this sign when they need revenue. In my case, officer sat in parking lot waiting for anyone to disregard it. Though he stated this was a safety issue and not a revenue generater, my ticket came on the last day of the month ( only time they patrol it). In court, only evidence against me was a photo of the sign that was taken the weekend prior to my stop. You be the judge !!!

You clearly state that there is a sign in full view BUT you chose to break the law. You got what you deserved!
#1Sep 25, 2010Report Abuse

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