Interstate 77 both sides of Wytheville

Wytheville, VirginiaSep 14, 20103 Comments

Typically have a spotter vehicle in center or behind guardrail checking speed and another vehicle ahead waiting to pull vehicles over.

Lived in the historic district of Wytheville for 7 years. I tried unsuccessfully for years to get some speed enforcement in my neighborhood. Not one speeding ticket was written. Token cars with a radar unit would park out in the open once or twice while the officer would chat on his cell phone. I was told by a former Wytheville LEO that the town and county preferred it's revenue come from I 81 and I77 because it didn't stir up the locals as much. So the Sheriff's Deputies, Town Police, and State all work the interstates.
#1Oct 05, 2010Report Abuse
That is the nature of Speed Traps: Take money from out-of-county travelers. Also, for anyone reading this, Wytheville is home to the famous Wrong-Way junction of I-81 and I-77. I haven't driven on this section of 77, but I have on 81 and remember a very convenient Autorized Vehicles Only area with a blocked view. Whenever my view is blocked from such an area, I slow down by taking my foot off the gas pedal (DO NOT SLAM ON BRAKES, VIRGINIA COPS TARGET PEOPLE WHO DO THIS), and sure enough, this particular AVO area had two State Troopers, probably praying that I would fly past them and generate more money for this dry town. I have heard that this particular Speed Trap generates more than $1 Million every month, as driving 80+ (reckless speed in VA) is very easy in this area.
#2Mar 05, 2012Report Abuse
Driving over 80 is a criminal offense in Virginia.regardless if you were actually going that fast or not. If you get a ticket for over 80 get a lawyer or you will have a misdemeanor permanent on your record. A DUI can be esponged from your record but a wreckless driving is permanent. Watch for 77 south they wait at the bottom of hills.
#3Jul 18, 2014Report Abuse

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