I-10 exit 200 sunland gin road north & south

Eloy, ArizonaOct 01, 20101 Comments

Eloy city police photo radar parks on both sides in front of Burger King and in front of Petro station north of I-10. speed limit 25 .. A mile and a half south at the city line they alternate on both sides speed limit 50

Nov. 22 .2011 I noticed the camera car was being set up on the east side of the freeway but about 3/4 mile east of burgerking , near the street where the borderpatrol turn off is. sorry don;t know the name its just after you turn onto the east end of sunland gin road from Jimmey Kerr and cross over the tracks . I don't know what the speed limit is . 50 mph I think
#1Nov 22, 2011Report Abuse

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