Northbound and Southbound 380 in Cedar Rapids city limits

Cedar Rapids, IowaOct 10, 201016 Comments

Speed cams are located in the northbound lanes at Diagonal Drive and again at H Avenue. They are also located in the southbound lanes near H and J Avenues. The cameras are located in the large signs located over the freeway, so you cannot see them. The speed limit in this area is 55 mph. So far they are only ticketing drivers going 67 mph or more. There is also a mobile speed cam located in a red Jeep Grand Cherokee. This vehicle is usually parked in the breakdown area closest to the fast lane.

This weekend my wife received the robocop citation, she was not driving so I called the city and they told me I need to talk to the company that maintains the cameras because I wanted the citation in my name. The representative from the city stated that they were installed for safety. My question is if it is for safety why don't the insurance agents find out about them and why aren't they part of your criminal record? She told me because it is a civil case. Guess what that completely goes against the cameras being installed for safety purposes because if I know all I am going to get is a $75 fine for flying through Cedar Rapids I am going to pay it. I hope an investigative reporter tracks the accident rate prior to the install and after accounting for out of state drivers. I remember the story of the driver that had a device that changed all the lights red( similiar to what ambulance and police officers use). He was fined some amount of money and he said that is fine I saved that money and then some over the life of using the machine.
#1Sep 13, 2011Report Abuse
I don't know how this is even legal? Who checks these cameras? I know my husband was not speeding. We were going slow to get off and get coffee and gas,You have to pay this because"they"say you are speeding?How can this be OK in the US? i would like to know how many police officers get a ticket on and off duty from these I bet none. You NEVER see them doing the speed limit and that is alright. I call BS! I went through IA for the first time going back to MN I will go the old way from now on then, I don't have to give Iowa money for my fuel,hotels,and food.
#2Jan 16, 2012Report Abuse
I received a notice of speed violation on I-380 in Cedar Rapids for 67 in a 55 zone. I have the $500 Escort radar detector that went off and told me that the speed cameras were coming up and told me when I reached the marked location. I was doing 55 on the dot when I entered the zone. The citation clearly says that there is no way for me to view this citation by video or pictures. It states that I can contest it in person in Cedar Rapids. I live in the Chicago area and of course have an Illinois license plate. The ticket is for $75. If I want to protest it I must show up on thier doorstep. Obviously the cost to get there is beyond the ticket cost, and if you get there and loose, it cost a lot more than the ticket. This is absolutely a HUGE SCAM!!!!!!!! Stay away from Cedar Rapids, Iowa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#3Jan 31, 2012Report Abuse
I also received a notice of speed violation on I-380 in Cedar Rapids for 68 in a 55 zone. I had a radar detector that went off and told me that the speed cameras were coming up. I was doing the speed limit set on cruise control. The cameras are hidden behind large signs and are not visible. I live out of state and was driving a rental vehicle that had a Florida license plate. The ticket is for $75. If I want to protest it I must show up on their doorstep. In addition the rental compnay is charging me $30.00 for a processing fee unless I pay the ticket before they even sent me the notice. ticket. They put in their FAQ's that this is not a moving violation and will not be reported to your insurance company - so it is just a speed trap , so much for the camera's being installed for safety purposes - WHAT A SCAM!!!!!!!! People warned me to watch out for speed traps in Cedar Rapids, now I understand why. Watch out of speed traps in Cedar Rapids Iowa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4Oct 02, 2012Report Abuse
After receiving a ticket a month after the alleged photographed violation on 380 near J Av, I searched for the signs notifying drivers of the 55 mile per hour section of our expensive high-speed interstate highway. I found it the third time through. If your not in the far right exit lane, you won't see it, because it's small and blocked from view by adjacent traffic, particularly suv's vans and trucks. If, as the city government baldfacedly lies, is for safety reasons, why is the speed limit not posted where everyone on the highway can see it, not just those cars exiting. Clearly, the purpose is revenue enhancement , not safety. Without knowledge of a speed zone, how can it be a deterrence? Steer clear of Cedar Rapids and its blatant city kleptocracy.
#5Jan 04, 2013Report Abuse
The City of Cedar Rapids made four million dollars on this blatant scam in one year. Stop electing criminals everywhere, and whatever you do, avoid Cedar Rapids---- they've got some beauties in city government.
#6Jan 04, 2013Report Abuse
***Very Important, Please Read*** I believe there might be a scam targeting out of state vehicles in Cedar Rapids and their own incompetence and camera photos might just prove it. Short story, I drove through Cedar Rapids and received a speeding citation in the mail. My vehicle is registered in MN, but I live in MS (military). They had the right plate number, but had MS down for my vehicle info on their website. Understandable because the MN DMV had my address but it threw up a Cedar Rapids is incompetent flag, no biggie, right. The website had 2 photos conveniently cropped to only show my vehicle with a black strip on the bottom showing the time, speed, and location. This was near perfect, because there were no way for me to contest the evidence, but then I noticed their mistake. The very end of the location it stated that I was in LANE 3, but their own photos had broken white lines on both sides of my vehicle, placing it in the middle lane. Google map confirms 3 lanes at that location. These mistakes are now bringing up questions. 1) Was my photo just cut and pasted on top of a black strip where they can easily input what they want? 2) Is the traffic camera accurate because I was not in LANE 3? Are they targeting out of state vehicles because they know the citations probably wouldn’t get contested? What is really going on here, so I sent in a non-residence appeals form questioning the citation with these facts. My case will be looked at Feb 07, 2013. I also notice they went in to update and correct the vehicle information since I sent in the appeal. I knew this was probably going to happen so I took screen shots of the website for proof. I guess I’ll have to wait for the outcome. I’m sure this isn’t an isolated incident since Cedar Rapids is making a killing with these cameras. Please pay close attention to your photos and the information on them if you received a citation for Cedar Rapids so if they're doing something unethical we can get enough evidence to make them pay back everyone they cheated through the years.
#7Feb 07, 2013Report Abuse
The Camera's on I-380 going around Quaker Oats/Pepsi Company are set for 67 Mile per Hour... You can get out of the ticket by fighting it, and then sue the city for "Entrapment, Fraud and Mis-use of Public Funds", the posted speed limit is 55 mph, so if you get a ticket they start at 56mph and count up from there...Yes it is a Scam, "Committing a Fraud on the Public", everyone know that anyone that has any say so on the p[ublic spending, can not be trusted, that's a given...For safety, their wrong, it's about the Money, I recently bought a new car and dealed with the car company, so I paid less money and not the Listed Price on the Window Shield...sya you bought a car for $30,000.00 and the sticker on the windshield saif $40,000.00, the cuty every year Tax you on the Listed Price and not the Price you actually paid for the Car...Look it up, I did and couldn't believe they found another way to STEAL from the public again....Why do we put up with it....Because it's to late to do anything about can't file charges with the DA, where do you think he get's his money from...I wonder how many personal favors he has done for someone while he is in office, I looked it up again, it's a Felony for a public official to use there work power to gain anything of vale for their personal lives, politicians only have (1) rule, "Don't get Caught", when they are do favors...
#8May 13, 2013Report Abuse
The Camera's on 380 are not calibrated "Ever", I'm Electrical Engineer, and I know for a fact that this has never been done, I hope everyone fights there ticket, because more than likely I would be ask to go to court on your behalf, I have 1st hand knowledge of this...when they work and when they don't and how get out of not getting tickets... If found that they have speeded, the Camera compamy in New York send the photo's to Cedar Rapids police, and they in throw them away, the police at anytime that they are on the S-Curve or where there are camera's are suppose to turn there red light on, so that when the cameraq takes a picture, the company in New York knows to throw them out..... Yes, it's a Scam, But a legal Scam, who are you going to fight, crooks that are backed by crooks.....
#9May 13, 2013Report Abuse
I was traveling on 380 and slowed to 55 just as soon as I saw the sign. I was sent a ticket for 69 mph. After reading about all of the speed traps in Cedar Rapid I figure this city is full of legal thugs who twisted the law to abuse the people they are supposed to fairly represent. These thugs will never pay a ticket nor will any of the other thug connected officials. Political manipulation, power abuse, elected officials abusing the system that they we intrusted to govern are all business as usual in these types of cities. Wake up Cedar Rapid voters, your elected officials are abusing visitors and your neighbors with these money making speed traps instead of using police or safety personnel to control traffic. Who is next on the list for this type of abuse? YOU of course.
#10Dec 16, 2013Report Abuse
yup, got the same ticket for $75 as the others above. I got a ticket in Hannibal Missouri by camera several years ago because i did not come to a COMPLETE stop at the red i am SUPER careful about getting another more dings on my insurance thank you...I am very careful in Iowa as they are notorious in some areas for going even ONE mile over the speed limit.. NO WAY did i see a 55 MPH sign...they GET the out of staters because we are exhausted and not familiar with the area and can be caught unawares with signs not easily seen..legislation should be passed that make these areas (SURE FOR SAFETY REASONS?????) more easily seen if TONS of people seem to go violate this law....but they don't....MAKE THE 55 MPH Speed Limit sign HUGE, ADD COME TO A COMPLETE STOP at RED sign so large it is impossible to miss...something like that..if it is for safety reasons, why not make it easier for people NOT to break the law..NO ONE WANTS A TICKET and will avoid it if possible...these people are in it for the money NOT SAFETY REASONS...CUT ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#11Jul 19, 2014Report Abuse
I was on my first trip to Iowa, and passed through Cedar Rapids, I was going with the flow of traffic, I have not been stopped for speeding in over 20 years. Three weeks later I get a letter telling me that I was caught by a speed camera 70/55. Well to the city fathers and anyone else who is making money on this boondoggle, I will not go through your city again, nor will I go through you crooked state.
#12Jul 29, 2014Report Abuse
I, too, got the $75 "notice of violation" but plan to contest it. Has anyone else successfully contested their tickets?? I'm concerned about the fairness of the parties who will decide...
#13Aug 09, 2014Report Abuse
I, as well, received a $75.00 speeding ticket via "speed cam". What a racket. First, my radar detector went off alerting me to "speed cams" ahead. I will admit I was going about 60 so I slowed down to 55. Second, the violation states I was in Lane 1, when on the picture they took you can clearly see broken white lines on my right and a continuous white line on my left. The picture is clear proof that I could not have been in Lane 1. Also, I would like evidence as to when the last time the camera was calibrated. This is CLEARLY a scam. I plan on contesting this so called "violation" and will see what the outcome. They tried this in a couple of municipalities here in the St. Louis area and it has since been thrown out by a Judge. We also have the "red light cams" and that is now being looked as well.
#14Aug 13, 2014Report Abuse
#15Dec 29, 2014Report Abuse
I was issued 2 notices of violations from friendly Cedar Rapids within 4 minutes of each other. Of course I am 300 miles away so for me to take off work to attend a hearing is impossible and you must be present or if not it is an admission of guilt. I do not ever recall seeing a speed limit change from 65 to 55 while traveling though the area. I drive with the traffic and customarily stay in my own lane. Clearly two notices of violation from the same area is nothing more than a revenue resource for the city of Cedar Rapids. It isn't even a very smart resource for revenue since the Iowa DOT has instructed them to move one cam and completely remove the other.
#16Apr 09, 2015Report Abuse

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