460 waverly

Waverly, VirginiaDec 05, 20100 Comments

The cops sit at the Napa station and clock you going too fast before the speed limit goes back to 60. I was treated like crap. I was pulled over and scorned for my concealed weapons permit!!! Then the officer issues me a sobriety test with no probable cause. I passed, of course. Then the officer loses my concealed carry permit!!!! He tells me he doesnt have time to look for it. wtf!!! Then the next day I call the police in Waverly to see if my permit card had been found. The chief taunted me on the phone, called me a ‘wanna be cop’ for carrying a gun, and told me he will arrest me if I come back into HIS town. I’m not making this up!!! This is a violation of my civil rights. I didn’t break any gun laws! I will pursue this to the supreme court, if neccessary.

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