Morrow Road near St. Augustine’s-Canterbury

Morrow, GeorgiaJan 29, 20110 Comments

Traveling west on Morrow Road from Jonesboro Road, speed limit is 35 mph at first. Just west of the Morrow Masonic Lodge #74, there’s a stationary sign post with a digital speed reader that says "Your speed is…". Morrow Road then curves sharply to the right after Continental Circle and during that curve on the next block there’s a school zone sign that flashes and changes the speed limit to 25 mph. As soon as the curve straightens out on the next block, the Morrow City police are parked on the left in the driveway of St. Augustine’s-Canterbury church with lights already flashing and will pull you over for speeding as you brake towards the intersection of Skylark/Phillips Drive. There’s probably a camera in either the digital sign post or the school zone sign as they can’t actually see your vehicle until you come out of the curve.

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