Hwy64 west of hwy196 eastbd to light at hwy196

Oakland, TennesseeJul 30, 20111 Comments

Coming up to Hwy 196 is a strip mall on the left hand side called “Deer Creek Crossing” (a strip mall) where OPD sit and wait. The speed limit is 55 and the sign is almost directly in front of DCC. I was pulled over today for supposedly doing 70 in a 55. I live in the area and have for my whole life. I know that Oakland is a speed trap and therefore do not speed. I had gone from 70 in a 65 to 55-58 in the 55 zone. I have been pulled over twice on Hwy 64 in the past 2 months for “speeding”. 84 in a 65 and 70 in a 55, at two separate ends of the trap. This place is ridiculous. Even going down backroads does not lower your expectations for another Oakland City Hall lottery ticket.

Hwy 64 It is just a small town that needs money that needs a speed trap. I did not realize the speed limit was as low as it was. Any cop sitting on a downgrade should be considered poaching. I am typically made fun of for how slow I drive. My friends a least got a good laugh knowing I got a speending ticket. But as mentioned earlier, I threw money at it to go away.
#1Jan 22, 2013Report Abuse

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