Somewhere in waldo

Waldo, FloridaAug 20, 20111 Comments

Well I’m from SC just got home from a 7 month deployment was taking my daughter to Disney for her b day. I was going through Waldo around one am where the speed limit signs bounce up and down really fast from 65,55,45. The officer was behind local building with all of his lights off he pulled me over and issued me a ticket for 59 in a 45. He never checked any of my reregistration or insurance and he was very rude. Only reason he wrote me a ticket was because i am from SC and he knows I wouldn’t show up to court to fight it. The biggest thing is how can you be behind a building a couple hundred feet in front of me and know when I cross the 55 to 45 sign unless they have magic night vision. Thanks Waldo for welcoming me home and messing my 3-year olds b day up. Also I am 30 years old and have never had a ticket in my life

U were clocked using Laser. It will only take no more than a second to read your speed, and very hard to detect even if u have radar detector on the dashboard. Add to that the dishonesty of the cop. The only way to beat them in thier dirty games is to drop ur speed by five mph at least halfway between the speed sign( drop to exactly 40mph about 200 feet before you hit 45 speed marker). But nothing beats mounting a camera that records your speed dial and the road in the same frame. Thats if u want to fight the ticket later on. Good luck
#1Oct 24, 2012Report Abuse

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