Curtis Road just west of Farmington Road

Livonia, MichiganAug 31, 20111 Comments

Officer sits on the south side of the road facing east. This is a residential neighborhood that has a large Day Care approximately 2 blocks west of Curtis.

Well, there is no "west" of Curtis; Curtis is an east-west sidestreet. If you meant west of Farmington, that would make more sense. I live right here, and I know of no daycare place, although there may be one and I'm just not thinking of it right now. But on Curtis Road, just west of Farmington, there's a subdivision, Francavilla. There's always a cop sitting on Curtis trying to bust people on Farmington. But it's corrupt, 'cause you'll see them there even more often later in the month when they have to meet their quotas. I know of two people who swear to me they weren't speeding, yet the cop said on his radar gun they were 7 mph over, or whatever. But people are always getting busted there at all times throughout the entire month, every month.
#1Nov 30, 2012Report Abuse

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