Hwy 301

Lawtey, FloridaNov 05, 20111 Comments

Carefully driving the speed limit of 35 miles per hour at 7 am before sunrise on a dark four lane highway, and i am pulled over. The Lawtey Police Officer tells me i just drove 35 mph through a school zone. I did not see a flashing light and was fined $391.00. If this is truely an active school zone, and not just a speed trap, then they need to mark it much better for the safety of the children. My ticket was written at 7:05 am. I wonder if the light was flashing when i drove by it.

What did you end up doing? I had an almost identical story a couple of weeks ago and am still trying to decide what to do. Of course I am from out of state (where we post our school zones a little bit clearer) and have limited options because of that. First ticket ever, on the way to a job interview, thanks Lawtey.
#1Dec 16, 2011Report Abuse

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