The Entire 4-lane Portion of Route 15

Haymarket, VirginiaFeb 29, 20122 Comments

North of the Haymarket Town Limits, The posted speed limit on Route 15 is 55 mph. Going 65 is physically very easy during the four-lane portion (which ends 4 miles later at the 234 Terminus) but most cars don’t even approach the limit due to the speed trap enforcement. I go up here on Saturday nights and almost always see at least one car pulled over, especially southbound near the I-66 Interchange where the limit drops to 40. I don’t go to the south side of town much but the limit drops from 55 to 40 coming towards town that way too.

Favorite spot for trap is between Heathcote Blvd and I-66 on US 15 southbound. Cop will park on the concrete median where he can't be seen thru the signal light (the intersection forms a bowl). Limit drops abruptly from 55 to 40 and nobody slows down that much especially late at night.
#1Jun 17, 2012Report Abuse
When yo stay close to the speed limit you have nothing to worry about. I have lived in this area for more than 30 years and have never had a ticket not once... it is not that hard
#2Nov 09, 2014Report Abuse

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