I-81 From Wythe to Smyth County Both Sides
There is a large speeding ticket racket taking place from Wythe County until you pretty much enter North Carolina. I travel to NC around once a year. I was caught speeding in Wytheville on I-81S years ago. Numerous troopers were on both sides of the road picking people off left and right with their RADAR. A year later I drove through and again they were on both sides of I-81 in practically the same area. Another year later and they moved the operation a bit further down I-81S to Smyth County. I was pulled over while travelling approximately 65-70MPH in the right lane behind a tractor trailer with other cars directly behind me and also passing me. I am almost 100% certain that this was due to my out of state plate and appearance of my vehicle (primered).
Looking at the Trooper’s history for speeding tickets over a period of several months, nearly 70% of all the speeding tickets he issued were to out of state drivers. A decent portion of all the tickets he issued were all for the same speed, 80/70. Out of all who were issued an 80/70 ticket, more than 75% were from out of state.
This appears to be a clear case of profiling out of state drivers and giving them the same bogus tickets for 10MPH to try and generate easy revenue. You can view a summary of this data here: http://fightghs.com/RDCollins-ProfilingTickets.pdf
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