I-81 From Wythe to Smyth County Both Sides

Wytheville, VirginiaApr 13, 20121 Comments

There is a large speeding ticket racket taking place from Wythe County until you pretty much enter North Carolina. I travel to NC around once a year. I was caught speeding in Wytheville on I-81S years ago. Numerous troopers were on both sides of the road picking people off left and right with their RADAR. A year later I drove through and again they were on both sides of I-81 in practically the same area. Another year later and they moved the operation a bit further down I-81S to Smyth County. I was pulled over while travelling approximately 65-70MPH in the right lane behind a tractor trailer with other cars directly behind me and also passing me. I am almost 100% certain that this was due to my out of state plate and appearance of my vehicle (primered).

Looking at the Trooper’s history for speeding tickets over a period of several months, nearly 70% of all the speeding tickets he issued were to out of state drivers. A decent portion of all the tickets he issued were all for the same speed, 80/70. Out of all who were issued an 80/70 ticket, more than 75% were from out of state.

This appears to be a clear case of profiling out of state drivers and giving them the same bogus tickets for 10MPH to try and generate easy revenue. You can view a summary of this data here: http://fightghs.com/RDCollins-ProfilingTickets.pdf

In May 2013, my son was driving home from college, driving west on 81 from Blacksburg to Knoxville. Driving a old Jetta, he had his cruise control set on 70 and was drivng with the flow of traffic. In the Smythe County, VA, portion of the road, he was pulled over for going 90 in a 70 zone. He was in disbelief. No way he could be going that fast. Since a ticket above 90 is considered a misdeanor in VA, we hired an attorney who got it reduced to Improper driving, 8 hr class, 20 hr community service, $500 fine! Last week, driving home from college for Thanksgiving, he didn't use his cruise control because it may be broken, drove carefully "through Smythe Co", and stayed at 70 miles out of fear! He was pulled over clocked at 95mph! Amazing! He has been driving 5 years and never had any type of ticket. Pretty good for a teenage boy. There has to be some type of racket there with the troopers, judges, and county. How can we fight this?????
#1Dec 04, 2014Report Abuse

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